
Family fortunes
Why clients should take care when considering whether to exclude family from their Will.
The Generation game
Those of a certain age Will no doubt remember the Bruce Forsyth TV show ‘The Generation Game’ whereby two people from the same family (but from different generations) compete to win prizes.
A cautionary tale – why Wills should be regularly reviewed
A recent news story in The Sunday Times has highlighted the importance of updating your Will when you remarry. The case involves three brothers who are now in a legal dispute with their stepfather, after their mother's Will was deemed invalid due to her remarriage.
The Importance of making a Will
The drafting of a Will is one of the easiest things to put-off doing for any number of reasons, however, it is an extremely simple process that can save an immense amount of both time and money.
Want to make a gift – what can I do?
We are often asked for ways for client to make gifts that Will not affect their Inheritance Tax (IHT) ‘Nil Rate Band’ so we have put together this short guide to explain the different types of IHT exempt gifts.
Parents appointing guardians in their Wills often ask how the guardians Will cope with the financial aspect of bringing up their children. 
How trusts can be used to protect assets
There is no legal definition of ‘trust’. A trust is not a legal person but, rather, a relationship.